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What Do You Do With Bank Accounts When Someone Passes Away?
What happens to a bank account after the account holder’s death? What if there’s a joint owner to the account? These questions, and more,...
Jan 203 min read

Episode 2 - Things To Do Before Probate - Washington Probate Series - Nowakowski Legal PLLC
Episode 2 - Things To Do Before Probate - This is the second episode of a series of videos discussing the legal aspects of Probate in...
Jan 121 min read

Episode 3 - Letters of Administration or Letters Testamentary - Washington Probate Series - Nowakowski Legal PLLC
Episode 3 - Letters of Administration or Letters Testimentary This is the third episode of a series of videos discussing the legal...
Jan 121 min read

Episode 1 - Overview of Washington Probate - Washington Probate Series - Nowakowski Legal PLLC
Episode 1 - Overview of Washington Probate - This is the first episode of a series of videos discussing the legal aspects of Probate in...
Jan 51 min read

Ep. 1: What is TEDRA? - Inheritance Disputes & Estate Litigation | WA TEDRA Attorney
Episode 1: What is TEDRA? This is the first episode of a series of videos discussing the legal aspects of Inheritance Disputes and Estate...
Jan 11 min read

Why Retaining a Skilled Attorney is Crucial for Navigating the Probate Process
Navigating the probate process can feel like walking through a maze filled with both emotional and legal challenges. This is even more...
Dec 30, 20243 min read
This Will Makes No Sense!
It happens more often than you think. A loved one passes away, the family gathers to grieve, and then a distant relative or a stranger...
Sep 20, 20184 min read
This Will Is Bogus! Can I Have It Invalidated?
This Will Is Bogus! Can I Have It Invalidated? It happens a lot; an elderly person passes away, they are put to rest, and then a...
Feb 23, 20183 min read
Ep. 3: What Is In a TEDRA Petition - Inheritance Disputes & Estate Litigation | WA TEDRA Attorney
Ep. 3: What Is In a TEDRA Petition? This is the third video in my Washington TEDRA Attorney video series. Today's video focuses on what...
Jan 22, 20181 min read
Can I Be the Personal Representative to an Estate?
Can I Be the Personal Representative to an Estate? People often wonder who should act as the Personal Representative to an Estate. What...
Jan 16, 20183 min read
Is There a Faster Way to Inherit an Estate?
Is There a Faster Way to Inherit an Estate? One of the biggest concerns I usually hear from clients building an estate plan is, “how long...
Dec 19, 20173 min read
If There’s No Will, Where Does The Money Go?
If There’s No Will, Where Does The Money Go? Nothing is more terrifying than uncertainty, and that is exactly what people experience when...
Dec 17, 20173 min read
The Executor Won't Talk To Me!
The Executor Won’t Talk To Me! You would be shocked to learn how many clients come in to my office simply because a Personal...
Dec 8, 20173 min read
Inheritance Disputes & Estate Litigation | WA TEDRA Attorney - Ep. 2: How Do I Bring a TEDRA Peti...
Ep. 2: How Do I Bring a TEDRA Petition? This is the second video in my Washington TEDRA Attorney video series. Today's video focuses on...
Dec 3, 20171 min read
Can I Get Rid of a Lousy Trustee?
Can I Get Rid of a Lousy Trustee? You would not believe how many calls I get each week from potential clients saying that their trustee...
Nov 14, 20173 min read
An Estate Plan For My Horses
An Estate Plan For My Horses A lot of my clients are always fascinated to learn that I have a fair amount of experience in the equine...
Nov 10, 20172 min read
Wait!? You Mean I Don’t Pay the Probate Attorney?
Wait!? You Mean I Don’t Pay the Probate Attorney? Clients are shocked when I tell them they don’t have to pay me for the probate...
Nov 3, 20172 min read
Inheritance Disputes & Estate Litigation | WA TEDRA Attorney - Ep. 1: What is TEDRA?
Episode 1: What is TEDRA? This is the first episode of a series of videos discussing the legal aspects of Inheritance Disputes and Estate...
Oct 29, 20171 min read
Ep. 1. - What is TEDRA?
Episode 1: What is TEDRA? This is the first episode of a series of videos discussing the legal aspects of Inheritance Disputes and Estate...
Oct 29, 20171 min read
A Good Trust Still Needs a Good (Pour Over) Will
A Good Trust Still Needs a Good (Pour Over) Will I recently met with a client that was very interested in setting up a revocable living...
Oct 18, 20172 min read
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